Here are five German Shepherd diet tips that you should bear in mind to ensure good health of your puppy or dog:
Do not trust dog food ads blindly
In the US, the dog food industry is thriving and highly competitive. The advertisements that you see often portray the products as being the best choice for your dog, however you must be wary of what is being sold to you. It is not that dog food manufacturers do not provide nutritious meals, but you must be informed enough to select what is best for your dog.
It is okay to feed them homemade treats
Sometimes, German Shepherds may be allergic to certain things that are commonly found in commercial dog treats. If your dog too has such allergies, it may be difficult to find the right food. In such cases, you can make them treats at home, but after consulting with experts. You must ensure that the homemade treat contains all the nutrients that your dog needs.
Feed them several times a day
While it may be more convenient to fill the dog food bowl once and allow your dog to eat when it pleases, it is not a good practice. First of all, food kept out throughout the day attracts dust, germs and insects. And secondly, if your dog does not have a proper eating routine, it will not be able to develop a proper pooping habit. This is why it is essential that they are fed several times in a day.
Be careful about feeding them cooked bones
Even though German Shepherds have strong jaws and can break and swallow small bones, it is not advisable to feed them bones. According to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), broken bones can cause tongue injuries, broken teeth, and even choking. In some cases, they may also cause injuries to their gastrointestinal tract, which may require surgery. You can rather choose to give them raw edible bones like chicken wings or recreational bones.
Their diet should be according to the nutritional requirements and also lifestyle
There is no fixed amount of food that your German Shepherd should be having. Every dog has different requirements, which mostly depend on their metabolism, activity rate and also the lifestyle that they lead. You can easily tell if you should feed your dog more or less food. For instance, if your feel that it is becoming chubby, reduce the quantity.
Implementing these tips when you feed your German Shepherd will ensure that it is receiving a healthy diet. You can check out our website for beautiful healthy puppies. We have genuine AKC German Shepherd puppies for sale.